Pinnacle Cooperative Opportunity

Hallmarks of a Successful Cooperative Opportunity (Co-Op)

  • Creates opportunities for success for both the brand and its agents. It’s a win-win scenario.
  • Stays true to the brand identity, mission, and values. Promotes a consistent voice whether the brand or the agent is doing the marketing.
  • Built with enough flexibility to allow new ideas and marketing activities to be proposed, evaluated and included at the discretion of the brand.

What Auto Crane Offers

  • Pinnacle Plus dealers have $5,000 in Co-Op funds available per calendar year, pro-rated if they become Pinnacle Plus dealers during the year.
  • Pinnacle dealers have $3,500 in Co-Op funds available per calendar year, pro-rated if they become Pinnacle dealers during the year.

Note: Co-Op funds do not roll-over from year to year. Any unused funds are forfeited.

How the Program Works

Auto Crane recognizes the commitment our Pinnacle and Pinnacle Plus dealers make when they choose to promote our brand and sell and service our products. The Co-Op program is one way Auto Crane helps support our dealers in their efforts. Some kinds of marketing or advertising efforts are supported under the Co-Op program and some are not.

That does not mean dealers cannot advertise in ways that are not covered by the Co-Op program, only that activities not covered under the program are not eligible for reimbursement from a dealers’ available Co-Op funds. Projects and activity ideas must be submitted in advance of the commitment from the dealer to Auto Crane for acceptance as Co-Op marketing.

Proof of performance must be submitted on an approved project before funds will be released. Dealer reimbursement from Co-Op funds can be no more than 1/2 of the total due for the ad or activity.

An Example Co-Op Project and Process Might Look Like This

  1. Industry magazine asks Dealer A, a Pinnacle Plus dealer, to advertise in an upcoming issue. The ad costs $2,000. Dealer A evaluates and decides it’s a good fit for featuring Auto Crane’s products and the dealer’s capabilities.
  2. Dealer A submits to his Auto Crane Regional Sales Manager or to the Auto Crane Product Manager a brief overview stating the size of the ad, the magazine and issue, and the basic focus of the ad (Auto Crane HC-7 & 8, full line service and support). Dealer A commits to using the correct, brand-appropriate Auto Crane
    logo and tagline.
  3. Auto Crane evaluates submittal and emails Dealer A to let him know his request has been pre-approved for reimbursement of up to $1,000 for the ad.
  4. Dealer A commits to the magazine and runs the ad.
  5. When Dealer A receives the invoice from the magazine, he sends both the invoice and a copy of the magazine or at least a copy of the printed ad in the magazine to your Auto Crane regional manager or Product Manager.
  6. Auto Crane verifies the details of the ad match the pre-approved submittal and that the ad is branded correctly. Once verified, Auto Crane will issue a credit memo of $1,000 to be credited to Dealer A’s account, reimbursing him for one half of the ad cost. On account funds can be used to pay for parts or product orders with Auto Crane.

Examples of Supported Activities

  • Paid placement advertising in an approved magazine or on an approved website where Auto Crane is the clear primary focus.
  • Auto Crane branded signage, banners or other on-site promotional material.
  • Sales sheets or sales materials prepared by the dealer featuring Auto Crane products.

Examples of Non-Supported Activities

  • Supporting a local ball team by sponsorship and adding the Auto Crane logo to the shirts.
  • Running an ad where Auto Crane is mentioned or listed but is not the clear primary focus for the ad.

Questions About the Program

Contact Bryan Wutzke, Product Manager, at [email protected] or call me at 918.906.7377.

Last Update: June 27, 2017  

June 27, 2017   550   webmaster    Pinnacle Program, Marketing  
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