Shipping Policy for Customer Pickups

We invest a great deal of time, energy, and resources to build and ship product to meet or exceed your expectations. We appreciate your prompt follow-up and support when trying to honor your shipping instructions.

Effective immediately, due to an increased volume and constraints resulting from extended/delayed order pickups for completed orders, Auto Crane will implement a new shipping policy related to completed orders or delayed shipments meeting the following conditions:

  1. Scheduled date for the order has been met and the order is ready to ship
  2. Channel Partner arranges freight and freight company delays pickup
  3. Channel Partner arranges freight and delays pickup
  4. Channel Partner doesn’t respond to request for shipping instructions

For completed orders related to the above scenarios, Auto Crane shall bill and hold the order using the payment terms noted on the sales order. After seven (7) calendar days with no shipping instructions from the partner, Auto Crane will ship “bestway” at buyer’s expense unless other arrangements are made. Any order completed before scheduled ship date will be subject to an authorized bill and hold document or other form of approval.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support!


Rick Brewster
Customer Service Manager
918-234-2152 phone

Last Update: June 1, 2018  

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